I was flipping through The Path to Immortality, by Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, trying to find the section about colors that I’d remembered reading a while ago, since we’re still clearing out and organizing and re-decorating per the recent Feng Shui consultation. I found it. It is in the 110 page section on “Entities." Entities as in "ghosts." Entities as in: remember the spooky dead guys Patrick Swayze ran into in the subway in the movie "Ghost?" Those are the kind of entities we're talking about here. An excerpt in a minute.
This book covers a LOT of information as the authors successfully go “beyond the veils of mortal existence to reveal man as a spiritual being--spanning the planes of Spirit and Matter.” It covers the Law of Cycles; Planes of Consciousness; Immortality (the soul ; the path of initiation); Entities and, the final section on the Messengers. There are 41 figures, which include very detailed charts; graphs and the names of certain discarnate entities and possessing demons. Not for the feinthearted or for anyone looking for light reading on a sunny day in the park (or even on a rainy day at home).
This morning, I was only interested in finding out more information re: colors and the influence of colors on people and their environment. Here is what I found that I think you might find as interesting as I did:
From page 377:
One means by which the astral vibration of entities [disembodied spirits] can penetrate the physical plane is through colors that vibrate at their level [not a place you want to be]--namely, red, red-orange, black, brown, gray, olive and chartreuse. These colors, together with their metallic correspondents silver and copper, vibrate at the level of astral creations and discordant qualifications such as anger, fear, doubt, resentment, pride, rebellion, greed, death, uncontrolled passion, and so on. They can be seen in the auras of spiritually undeveloped people.
From page 378:
The use of strobe lights, of psychedelic art forms, distorted images, and wild prints in fabrics and in wall coverings opens the door to the astral plane and facilitates the entrée of entities into the consciousness of those who are not careful about eliminating from their persons and from their homes these seemingly harmless distortions of divine art. The removal of such focuses will pave the way for a harmony and a peace that some will find difficult to believe is possible, so accustomed have they become to the modern jangle of discord and disorganization in their lives.
Hmmmm. I have to admit, I’ve never been a fan of chartreuse….always reminded me of the witch’s face in Snow White….Anyway, I was looking for some extra info regarding colors, and I sure found it in this chapter!
More on entities and the movie "Ghost" in later postings…and, I’ll post something sooner than later re: why a lot of beautiful antiques can make anyone feel uneasy…and how you can clear even the oldest pieces with the violet flame (also covered in the book).