Showing posts with label soul. Show all posts
Showing posts with label soul. Show all posts
Thursday, June 30, 2022
Your Soul's God Identity
If a picture is worth a thousand words, what might be said about the worth of a glyph of Light that would open the eyes of the soul for millions...a single glyph so accurate, that it would recall the soul-the soul that is a million light-years away from her God-Reality-back to the point of the seat-of-the-soul chakra and to the desiring of resolution, to the worship of her God, to the invocation of the I AM THAT I AM?*
Perhaps that it is invaluable.
That glyph of Light, shown in the video, is called The Chart of Your Divine Self--the I AM Presence. It is one of the most interesting charts I've ever seen.
One of the best (and shortest) explanations of the Chart that I've heard is that given by Elizabeth Clare Prophet (1 min. 50 sec. Youtube).
And, here's one of the best explanations I've read about why the Chart is so significant:
*That wallet-sized card on which the Chart is stamped and which has the description on the back does reawaken souls to their original identity, to the God who is with them and in them. It is the most important single glyph of Light, a photograph of the [soul's] inner being; and its accuracy is such that it does recall the soul–the soul that is a million light-years away from her God-Reality–back to the point of the seat-of-the-soul chakra and to the desiring of resolution, to the worship of her God, to the invocation of the I AM THAT I AM.
There is no greater gift that you can give to anyone than the understanding of his own Mighty I AM Presence, his Holy Christ Self and his evolving soul, as depicted in the lower figure in the Chart surrounded by the violet flame.
(Pearls of Wisdom, Volume 35, No. 41, published by The Summit Lighthouse for Church Universal and Triumphant, Copyright (c)1992 Church Universal and Triumphant.)
Original Post: 9-14-2010.
Thursday, July 2, 2020
Elizabeth Clare Prophet: Words of Compassion to Those Who Have Aborted
I recently had the opportunity to listen (via Internet connection) to a live presentation by Carol Everett, former abortion provider and founder of the Heidi Group in Texas, which has helped women with unintended pregnancies since 1995.
According to two friends of mine, you could have heard a pin drop when she was sharing her story.
You'll understand why, if you take a minute to listen to her speak or when you read this excellent introduction to Everett from Holly Hansen's Blog, Smart Girl Politics,Who Really Cares About Women?:
In the 1970's and 80's, Everett worked as a director of abortion clinics in the Dallas area and eventually opened her own clinics. As she describes in her book Blood Money: Getting Rich Off A Woman's Right to Choose, Everett made $150,000 a year selling abortions and was on target to make $260,000 in 1983. She also describes her sales methods in the book, including 'family planning' services; prescribing low-dose birth control pills that were sure to fail, thus promising more abortion income for the clinic. As for 'caring for women,' Everett's harrowing description of fatally botched abortions reveals the callousness of an industry devoted to profit.
At the end of her presentation, there was a panel discussion where people could ask her questions--she did a great and honest job answering them and encouraging people to contact their local pro-life groups to see how they might begin to take action in their own communities.
My friends told me that what could not go unnoticed, were the women in the audience who had tears running down their faces--some even sobbing into the arms of their friends and partners. Somehow, Carol's sharing of her own abortion experience and subsequent work as an abortion provider (with all the gruesome details) had deeply touched quite a few women and men in the audience.
What those women and men in the audience needed to know was that, along with teachings about the healing and transmutative power of the violet flame, Elizabeth Clare Prophet has had much to say to those who have been involved with abortion--offering some of the most compassionate teachings I've ever heard:
In Wanting to be Born, The Cry of the Soul, There Is Forgiveness After Abortion, (page 78-80), we read:
Many people deeply regret their choices regarding abortion. God in his infinite mercy forgives and in his justice provides ways to atone. God does not condemn us for our ignorance or our lack of understanding, for, truly, if we knew better, we would do better.
There is mercy and forgiveness and healing after abortion. If you have aborted a child, do not condemn yourself or abide in a sense of unworthiness. This will do nothing for the child, for you or for God. Instead, look for ways to serve and honor life.
Involvement in abortion--whether you had one, encouraged one or performed them, and whether or not you knew it was a sin at the time--will not prevent your returning to the heart of God in the ritual of the ascension in this lifetime if you give yourself to God in a service that can balance that karma.
Depending on your circumstances, you may have the opportunity to give birth to that soul (or to another soul if this option is not available). Adoption of a child may also be an alternative for you.
You may also be able to balance the karma through service to life, through sponsoring children, working with children, praying for the youth and through educating others about the spiritual issues of abortion.
[Originally posted 7/4/2011]
[Update: 1.4.2020]
Kuan Yin, Goddess of Mercy: Attribution:
When does a soul enter a body?
Ever wonder how or when a soul enters a body? Check out this 6 minute video clip of Elizabeth Clare Prophet giving one of the best (and easy to understand) explanations you'll ever hear!
Original post: 9/27/2011
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Soul Mates, Twin Flames and Weddings....

I was looking for The Weather Channel the other night and, instead, landed on one of those shows about nasty brides, obnoxious bridesmaids and the grooms who leave them all standing at the altar. Wasn't a pleasant second in the 14 minutes I watched. Couldn't help but wonder, "What are those people thinking?!"
We've all been to weddings--and they're usually as unique as the people getting married--from the dresses and suits (or not) to the music for the ceremony and the wording of the vows to the food and location chosen for the whole event. I can't say that I've been to one yet that I haven't enjoyed!
There is, however, one that I remember more clearly than most, and that was the first "destination" wedding we attended. Everyone went south for the celebration and it was a lot of fun.
The ceremony was held in a beautiful church--I don't remember if it was an Eastern Orthodox rite or a Coptic Orthodox Church or what, but it was beautiful and so was the ceremony.
Yet, it wasn't the church that made the wedding so memorable. It was what happened inside. From the moment the processional music started, there was (for me and a few others, at least) an tangible change in the way the inside of the church felt. Initially, I just thought it was the happiness of the event and the anticipation of the bride walking down the aisle.
After following the route of the third bridesmaid (there were 7 or 8)up to the front of the church, I glanced up at the altar and saw what could only be described as a luminescent gathering of angels--wings and all--who were literally arriving from behind and to the side of the altar (from above) and forming what appeared to be one of the biggest "choirs of angels" imaginable. They appeared to be everywhere, from the floor to way up beyond the ceiling. It was incredible!
I was surprised and delighted and was going to say something about it to the person next to me, when I realized that it didn't seem like anyone else had noticed. I watched the rest of the bridesmaids walk up and kept an eye on the angels at the altar--they were still there.
Then, when the music changed and the bride entered and walked up the aisle, it seemed as if more angels came from all directions to take their places at the altar. It was something else. (For the record: I'm not one of those people who sees angels all the time and could probably count the times I have on one hand.)
The impression I got was that this wedding was a special event that was being celebrated in the heaven world--big time. The angels seemed to embody joy and solemnity at the same time--with an intense radiation of light, of gold and white and pink and other colors. They were there for the entire ceremony, until the bride and groom walked out. As soon as they exited, I looked back at the altar--and, they were gone.
Of course, I said NOTHING. About 45 minutes later, a young woman I was with said, "Did you notice all the light that came down around the altar when the music started?" I was relieved that someone else had seen it. Another young woman said, "Yes--did you see how intense it got when the bride came down the aisle and joined the groom?" Yep, we'd seen it and felt it. One of them said, "It felt like there were hundreds of angels up at the altar."
I did not go into great detail about what I had seen (at least not then), and decided against describing everything to the happy couple...lest they thought I had a couple glasses of punch before the reception!
So, what did I figure? I figured it was most likely that we had been invited to and witnessed a wedding of two people who were (are) twin flames, which is a spiritual bond that is deeper than that of soul mates. I read long ago that all of heaven rejoices when twin flames finally find each other (after many embodiments apart) and recognize each other and end up together fulfilling their divine plan.
Anyway--it is the memory of this particular wedding that often leaves me smiling.
For more information about twin flames and soul mates, I recommend reading Soul Mates and Twin Flames, by Elizabeth Clare Prophet--a best seller for decades.
soul mates,
twin flames,
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