Showing posts with label Miraculous Medal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Miraculous Medal. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Ascended Masters on The Miraculous Medal

"Times are the world."

Another 2012 prediction? No--a statement made by the Blessed Mother who appeared to a young nun in France, in 1830 Sister Catherine Laboure:

Saint Catherine Labouré stated that on the night of July 18, 1830, she awoke upon hearing a voice of a child calling her to the sisters' chapel (located in the Rue du Bac, Paris), where she heard the Blessed Virgin Mary say to her, "God wishes to charge you with a mission. You will be contradicted, but do not fear; you will have the grace to do what is necessary. Tell your spiritual director all that passes within you. Times are evil in France and in the world."

On November 27, 1830, Catherine reported that the Blessed Mother returned during evening meditations. She displayed herself inside an oval frame, standing upon a globe, wearing many rings of different colors, most of which shone rays of light over the globe. Around the margin of the frame appeared the words Ô Marie, conçue sans péché, priez pour nous qui avons recours à vous (in English, O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee). As Catherine watched, the frame seemed to rotate, showing a circle of twelve stars, a large letter M surmounted by a cross, and the stylized Sacred Heart of Jesus crowned with thorns and Immaculate Heart of Mary pierced with a sword. Asked why some of her rings did not shed light, Mary reportedly replied, "Those are the graces for which people forget to ask." Catherine then heard Mary ask her to take these images to her father confessor, telling him that they should be put on medallions, and saying "All who wear them will receive great graces."

Catherine did so, and after two years' of investigation and observation of Catherine's normal daily behavior, the priest took the information to his archbishop without revealing Catherine's identity. The request was approved and medallions began to be produced. [2] Those who wore the medal felt that they had received great blessings, and the medal came to be referred to as the "Miraculous Medal". They proved to be popular, and the medals spread worldwide.

Catholics are not the only ones who believe in the intercession of Mary. In The Age of the Divine Mother, by Elizabeth Clare Prophet, we read an excerpt from a message from the Blessed Mother:

The Miraculous Medal

Many of you are aware of the power of the focuses of light that manifest in form in various ways as jewels of light. You will recall that in the last century, in the year 1830, I appeared to one to describe the Miraculous Medal. And in my appearance, I showed the jewels that I wear on each of my fingers, focusing the virtues of God that are to be in manifestation in man. And I gave to that sweet soul who communed with me the direction for having the Miraculous Medal made. As so it has been made, and it has been worn for over a century by those who believe in the power of the Mother flame. giving the revelation for the Miraculous Medal, we [of the heavenly hosts] have a means of focusing our image, our matrix, over the very hearts of the faithful ones. For you see, it is only the faithful who would deign to wear a medal of the Virgin Mother or of Christ Jesus or the star of David or the image of the Buddha. And thus we seal each medal in the flame and in the fire of the perfect concept of the divine religion, the divine science and the protection of the soul for her incarnation
. (Pages 201-202)

For a free Miraculous Medal (USA and Canada only), visit the website of the Association of the Miraculous Medal.  

For a greater understanding of the importance of a gold Miraculous medal, read the last paragraph of a 1977 dictation through the Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet.


*Originally published 2/2/2012.