Thursday, January 20, 2011

Ascended Master Afra--Brother of Light

Mrs. Prophet, some of our black brothers and sisters are wondering where they fit in the Great White Brotherhood.

Interesting and timeless question, with an equally interesting and timeless answer!

And, what was Elizabeth Clare Prophet’s answer?

Our black brothers and sisters are very much a part of the Great White Brotherhood. The black race was originally part of what was known as the blue race and the violet race, a high civilization that existed on the continent of Africa at the time of Lemuria.

The first ascended master to rise from the black race was the Ascended Master Afra. Afra is a soul of great light who evolved on the continent of Africa….

…all of the races that we find on earth have come forth from the heart of God under the seven rays—and these seven rays, as we know, are paths of initiation.

…The members of what is called the black race have come forth on the blue ray and the violet ray. In the ancient civilization on the continent of Africa, their skin actually had a blue or a violet hue. These colors are related to Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending.

Check out a few chapters of Afra: Brother of Light, Spiritual Teachings from an Ascended Master.

[Updated:  1.4.2020]

Video added 1/5/2023

Friday, January 14, 2011

Reincarnation and Babies

Trying to wrap your mind around the concept of reincarnation and what it might mean for souls that have been aborted, miscarried or stillborn?

Here is a "Cliffs Note"-style explanation of reincarnation with links to an explanation of karma along with FAQ's that might have crossed your mind at some time or other and a Helpful Links page and an Alternatives to Abortion page.

What if you've already had an abortion? You need to take care of yourself and get counseling if necessary or visit Rachel's Vineyard, for help for the loss of a child through abortion or miscarriage. 


[Updated 2.7.2020]

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Ascended Master Retreats: Be creative. Travel at night!

Have you been trying to set a few goals or start a project without much success--write a book; learn a new song; paint a picture or…master the art of loving?

Good news!

The Ascended Master Paul the Venetian, once embodied as the great Italian artist, Paolo Veronese, of The Marriage at Cana (above) fame, invites you to take classes with him at night at the Temple of the Sun, the etheric retreat of the Goddess of Liberty over Manhattan.

That’s right! Doesn’t cost a thing--you can go to a free 2 week course beginning tonight (or any night)--and learn to perfect your art and your heart!

In The Masters and their Retreats, by Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, (linked to the embedded version for your convenience), we learn:

Paul’s retreat, the Chateau du Liberte, has a physical counterpart in a chateau now owned by a private French family. At the etheric level, the retreat contains classrooms with paintings and artwork of every kind from all ages and races and cultures, as well as workshops for musicians, writers, sculptors and students of voice. Here the masters introduce new techniques in every field of art.

Currently he is holding classes in the Temple of the Sun, the etheric retreat of the Goddess of Liberty over Manhattan. (Pg 274)

So, how can you sign up and take classes from the ascended master Paul the Venetian? Easy: Simply call to Archangel Michael and his angels and ask to be taken to his retreat over New York:

Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit.
Mighty I AM Presence and Holy Christ Self, I call to Archangel Michael and his legions of blue-lightning angels to protect and transport my soul clothed in her finer bodies to the retreat of the ascended masters Paul the Venetian at the Temple of the Sun over Manhattan this night. Escort me, instruct me, guide and protect me as I work to set free all life on earth. I ask this done in accordance with the holy will of God. (Pg. 414)

That’s it. Except, you might want to take the authors’ advice and refrain from eating heavy foods and watching violent or negative movies or TV. shows, which can prevent you from getting to the highest levels of the etheric realm where the retreats are located. (Pg. 413)

For a great explanation and map of more retreats of the ascended masters, click here.

Sweet dreams!


[Updated: 1/4/2020]