Saturday, August 27, 2022

Elizabeth Clare Prophet: Kuthumi's Exposé on False Teachings and False Teachers


    Forty-four years ago, Elizabeth Clare Prophet gave a landmark presentation on The Guru-Chela Relationship with the Ascended Masters.(1)   During the lecture, Mrs. Prophet explained the importance of the Exposé of False Teachers and False Teachings by the Ascended Master Kuthumi and the Brothers of the Golden Robe.  Although over four decades have passed, the information and Mrs. Prophet's comments about the Exposé are still relevant to those who aspire to be chelas of the Ascended Masters:

·        "Everyone who reads it and studies it says, 'This is what we needed to know because it pinpoints what are the lies, what are the things that we have heard preached by the various teachers of East and West that are simply not doctrinally correct. It also exposes many teachers who have come and gone who are not sponsored by the Great White Brotherhood.  And, since the path of the Great White Brotherhood is the highest path, we need to know that the person we are working with has met the requirements of being a chela under the seven chohans….'”                    


          Below is a beautiful rendition of the Ascended Master Kuthumi's musical keynote, Kashmiri Song, by Amy Woodforde-Finden (2):

       (1) The Guru-Chela Relationship with the Ascended Masters, A Lecture by Elizabeth Clare Prophet, July 3, 1978, tape cassette B7876.

       (2) Reference.

