Friday, July 5, 2024

Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood: Her Legacy of Love, Light and Wisdom for the 21st Century and Beyond

        It's now been almost 15 years since Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood, passed on and over 8 years since my testimony to her as Guru (see below) was first published.  In that amount of time, there have been any number of books, articles and essays written about Mrs. Prophet from a wide variety of people whose lived experiences form the bulk of their narratives, as do mine.  

     Whether they actually knew her personally in some way; knew someone else who said they knew her, or researched information about her to interweave with their own stories re: recent experiences with some of her followers, their words are out there, for better and for worse, and available for all to read. 

      Have I read any of the more negative books and articles about Mrs. Prophet and her work in the past twenty years?  Yes, I have.  I do not know about you, but, I have found that, when some writers resort to ridicule and mockery and cleverly-cute caricaturisations of other human beings and their beliefs, it reveals a lot more about them than those they are attempting to capture and dissect for their audience.  How sad is that?  

    And, so it is, with freedom of speech! 


   I say, kudos to the students of the Ascended Masters and devotees of the Guru Ma who have already written and continue to write their own accounts about their experiences* with the Messenger and the Ascended Masters and with their teachings and kudos to those devoted souls who understand alchemy and the significance of the colors of the seven rays and who embody the light and love of the Great White Brotherhood and share their spiritual journeys with strangers who come knocking at their door.

    Truly, the victory of the Messenger's life and legacy is found in the hearts of her chelas, whoever and wherever they may be. She is known to them and they are known to her!

*(See Recommended Links on side bar.)