Wednesday, January 17, 2024

The End of a 33-year Cycle: Elizabeth Clare Prophet's 1991 Lecture on Abortion and Jesus' Request for Action


      Almost thirty-three years ago, Elizabeth Clare Prophet gave a lecture spelling out the teachings of the Ascended Masters on abortion, beginning, in Part 1, with setting the record straight  re: where some of the popular New Age teachings were off track.  It was one of the most eye opening lectures many of us had heard, and you can now find the lecture on various YouTube channels, some offering excerpts, others offering the complete lecture on several videos.

     The day after the lecture, on March 31, 1991, Beloved Jesus Christ gave a dictation requesting very specific actions to be taken on behalf of the unborn.  

YouTube Links:

Life Begets Life (Part 1):  Abortion from the Perspective of the Soul

Life Begets Life (Part 2): The Abortion of the Divine Plan of the Soul

Life Begets Life (Part 3):  The Stages of Fetal Development

Life Begets Life (Part 4):  Methods of Abortion