Monday, April 8, 2024

Free! Brochures, Posters and Four eBooks: On The Soul, Reincarnation and Abortion



"...This is the time to lay down one's life for one's country and one's children and especially the children in the womb. Pray about these things, beloved, and think not so much of yourselves but of the agony of souls who must go through this abomination of abortion or who are aborted by the latest pill.

Blessed ones, let us take up the cause of the Great White Brotherhood. Let us not ascend and say, 'My God, why did I not do more!'" 

                       ~El Morya, PoW Vol 46 No. 8 

If you or someone you know is pregnant and deciding whether or not to have an abortion, consider reading any of the free eBooks available at or download the brochures to become more aware of why a soul needs a physical body in order to be in the right place, at the right time and with the right people for its own evolution.  Learn more about the soul, reincarnation and abortion.

Attribution.  Leonardo da Vinci.