Sunday, June 11, 2023

Violet Flame! Violet Flame! Violet Flame!


If I discovered the violet flame and was thinking as an entrepreneur, it would be the equivalent of finding a marketable fountain of youth.

The violet flame is a multifaceted flame. If it were a product, we would be saying: "Get seven for the price of one. Seven unique uses for one purchase price--mercy, forgiveness, freedom, opportunity, alchemy, diplomacy and transmutation." (Messages from Heaven, Page 51).

Now, I know I've already written a lot about the awesome powers of the violet flame in previous blogs, but I truly believe that we can never know too much about the violet flame or invoke its powers too often. Consider some of the key points about this magic elixir, as mentioned in Chapter Six of Messages from Heaven, by Patricia Kirmond, available as paperback or eBook:

~I think that if any aspect of the violet flame is neglected, it is the flame of opportunity.... Many lightbearers pray daily for new, better or different jobs, but they rarely think to invoke the flame of opportunity, which can help open the door to new options.

~At its most powerful, its greatest gift is that it can change atoms and electrons.

~Jesus used the violet flame in many of his miracles.

~If you have an illness, the violet flame can reverse the entire condition, unless the illness is a karmic necessity for your spiritual evolution.

~The violet flame can assist in the speed of recovery and the success of any [medical] procedure.

~Any condition that troubles a person, whether it is political, financial, medical or psychological, will always receive benefit when we send violet flame into its cause and core.

~The violet flame is the foundation for the new age. We will enter this age successfully to the degree that we comprehend and utilize this flame.

~The violet flame is truly the key to penetrating through the mire of what burdens you. is important to remember that you must give violet flame decrees from the heart, with visualization and oneness with the decree, in order for change to occur.

~You must not hesitate to use the violet flame in every room that you enter and in every conversation that you have. You can give a call such as, "In the name of the Presence of God and my own Christ Self, I ask for the violet flame to clear anything between this individual and me that could interfere with my talking with him this day." 
(Pages 52-54.)

Interested? Want to begin right now?

Visit VIOLET FLAME WORLD - LIGHTING THE WAY  for everything you need to know about the Violet Flame in English or in Spanish LLAMA VIOLETA CONMIGO.

Here's one of the best Youtube Videos on the violet flame available with Elizabeth Clare Prophet:

Originally published: 8/6/11  9:24 PM.

Saturday, August 27, 2022

Elizabeth Clare Prophet: Kuthumi's Exposé on False Teachings and False Teachers


    Forty-four years ago, Elizabeth Clare Prophet gave a landmark presentation on The Guru-Chela Relationship with the Ascended Masters.(1)   During the lecture, Mrs. Prophet explained the importance of the Exposé of False Teachers and False Teachings by the Ascended Master Kuthumi and the Brothers of the Golden Robe.  Although over four decades have passed, the information and Mrs. Prophet's comments about the Exposé are still relevant to those who aspire to be chelas of the Ascended Masters:

·        "Everyone who reads it and studies it says, 'This is what we needed to know because it pinpoints what are the lies, what are the things that we have heard preached by the various teachers of East and West that are simply not doctrinally correct. It also exposes many teachers who have come and gone who are not sponsored by the Great White Brotherhood.  And, since the path of the Great White Brotherhood is the highest path, we need to know that the person we are working with has met the requirements of being a chela under the seven chohans….'”                    


          Below is a beautiful rendition of the Ascended Master Kuthumi's musical keynote, Kashmiri Song, by Amy Woodforde-Finden (2):

       (1) The Guru-Chela Relationship with the Ascended Masters, A Lecture by Elizabeth Clare Prophet, July 3, 1978, tape cassette B7876.

       (2) Reference.



Thursday, June 30, 2022

Your Soul's God Identity

If a picture is worth a thousand words, what might be said about the worth of a glyph of Light that would open the eyes of the soul for millions...a single glyph so accurate, that it would recall the soul-the soul that is a million light-years away from her God-Reality-back to the point of the seat-of-the-soul chakra and to the desiring of resolution, to the worship of her God, to the invocation of the I AM THAT I AM?*

Perhaps that it is invaluable.

That glyph of Light, shown in the video, is called The Chart of  Your Divine Self--the I AM Presence. It is one of the most interesting charts I've ever seen.

One of the best (and shortest) explanations of the Chart that I've heard is that given by Elizabeth Clare Prophet (1 min. 50 sec. Youtube).

And, here's one of the best explanations I've read about why the Chart is so significant:

*That wallet-sized card on which the Chart is stamped and which has the description on the back does reawaken souls to their original identity, to the God who is with them and in them. It is the most important single glyph of Light, a photograph of the [soul's] inner being; and its accuracy is such that it does recall the soul–the soul that is a million light-years away from her God-Reality–back to the point of the seat-of-the-soul chakra and to the desiring of resolution, to the worship of her God, to the invocation of the I AM THAT I AM.
There is no greater gift that you can give to anyone than the understanding of his own Mighty I AM Presence, his Holy Christ Self and his evolving soul, as depicted in the lower figure in the Chart surrounded by the violet flame.

(Pearls of Wisdom, Volume 35, No. 41, published by The Summit Lighthouse for Church Universal and Triumphant, Copyright (c)1992 Church Universal and Triumphant.)

Original Post: 9-14-2010.

Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Teaching on the Portrait of El Morya


In doing an end of the year purge of old emails, I came upon a lovely message from a friend from years ago, wherein they shared a teaching which has most likely been long forgotten by many--or never heard in the first place, depending upon one's age.

As El Morya was embodied as Saint Thomas Becket, who was known for his love of "the honor of God," it is with gratitude for the honor of God and the honor of El Morya that I share these words that were shared with me and many others.  The portrait of El Morya referred to is the portrait above and the one to which the Messenger refers in the Darshan DVDs:

El Morya Portrait 

"The Messenger unveiled a new portrait of El Morya, made from the late-nineteenth-century likeness released to Madame H. P. Blavatsky. 

The Messenger said: 'It has been our great desire in working on this painting to bring El Morya into the physical octave and this has been El Morya’s goal. And so, we have taken great care to allow this matrix to be the most physical representation of El Morya that we know of in the form of a picture or photograph of the Master on earth today. Most of the renditions of El Morya and other Masters are somewhat ethereal and somewhat apart from the way he would look if embodied. And since this is a picture of him in the years before his ascension, you can see the highest manifestation of the Master in the flesh and therefore call to him to come to you ‘in the flesh’ through this portrait.'” 

To the best of my recollection, the portrait was unveiled in 1992, if not earlier.

Sunday, April 7, 2019

Babaji, Unascended Master of the Himalayas

     I recently came across an interesting passage on Babaji, the unascended master of the Himalayas in The Masters and Their Retreats, where he encourages his students to use the violet flame and to become more practical as they walk their spiritual path:

      Babaji speaks on behalf of the Brotherhood of the Himalayas, urging his students to take up the path of the violet flame. He also asks us to find the students trapped in the false paths and false teachings of India. Babaji tells his students to not remove themselves into nirvana but to "get over the desire to be the removed one, set apart and in meditation and in unreality when there is a victory to be won and a battle to enter."