Thursday, July 2, 2020

Darshan with an Embodied Guru: A True Treasure

          In previous posts, there has been a lot of mention of the Darshan DVD series from 1996-1997 with the late Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Messenger of the Great White Brotherhoodand embodied Guru. They are now (October 2024) available online: Darshan with the Messenger.

          As noted earlier, these sessions offer a unique experience for chelas and aspiring chelas of the ascended masters, because they are darshans—encounters—with an embodied Guru who is overshadowed by her Guru, the Ascended Master El Morya.  The sessions are unparalleled—there is nothing else like them on the market and they are relatively affordable for individuals and groups. 

          Here is a list of the Darshans for anyone who might be interested in checking them out--they are truly "Treasures of the World."

Available online:
  1. Your Sacred Labor
  2. The Way to the Master
  3. The Evolution of Life
  4. Chelaship
  5. Answering the Master’s Call
  6. Becoming an Accepted Chela
  7. Walking the Path of the Buddha
  8. Overcoming Negative Habits
  9. The Way to the Great White Brotherhood
  10. The Power of Sound
  11. Initiation and the One Initiator
  12. Outpouring Spirit into Matter
  13. The Path that Leads to Adeptship
  14. The Higher Initiations
  15. The Work of the Adepts and Teachings on the Seven Rays
  16. The Guru-Chela Relationship.

Original post 8/7/2019



  1. what happened to the mystery school----blog ?

  2. It has been placed in the archives for a while, as have several other recent posts. Thank you for asking.

  3. Here is a link to a website that has information re: The Code of Conduct; Sponsorship; The Mystery School; Kuthumi's "Expose of False Teachings," etc.


Polite comments, recommendations of other related websites and sincere questions are always welcome!