Sunday, October 25, 2020

Words of Comfort for the Elderly, the Sick and the Dying + Practical Resources: Symptoms of Grief in the Dying and the Bereaved

    I have lost track of the number of people I know who are dealing with sudden illnesses and loss of family, friends and loved ones, or who are taking care of elderly parents these days. Regardless of their spiritual beliefs, a common thread that ties everyone together is what to say when their loved ones express their fears or concerns about what happens after they pass--and, even what to say to themselves during such stressful times.  

    Many, of course, have great faith and no doubt in their hearts that they will be going to heaven to be with Jesus and/or their family members who have gone before them; or to a place of peace and rest. 

    But, not everyone is so sure.  Even folks who have studied the teachings of the Ascended Masters for years might have moments of panic, fear or doubt:

 ~What if they don't ascend?
 ~What if they don't see the angels when they come?
 ~What about the spouse and loved ones they leave behind?
 ~What if they have to reincarnate?

     These are all legitimate questions and deserve comforting, truthful answers. Wondering exactly what a minister would recommend in such situations, I contacted a friend of mine who is a minister and counselor with years of experience. Here are some of the highlights of what she shared with me:

  You can tell a person that "He/she is in God's hands and that God has everything mapped out for them and their spouse. God has it all planned out. And, if they're familiar with the Hail Mary*, it is also a comforting prayer."

    Simple and comforting words---yet, something that might not come to your mind when you are in the middle of such a situation. It takes the guesswork out of it for the family member/caretaker and puts the person right back where they came from--the heart and hands of the Lord.

    With that inspired advise in mind, below are several affirmations that might be helpful to print on a regular 3x5 blank index card and offer--or have available--for family members, friends, or even yourself in times of need. Just reading through the cards several times a day may be most comforting, and strengthen the one-on-one connection of the heart and soul of those in need with the heart and Spirit of the Creator:

  • I AM in God's hands. 
  • ____ and I are in God's hands. 
  • I AM grateful! 
  • God has everything mapped out for me. 
  • God has everything mapped out for ____ and me. 
  • The Will of God is good. 

Many thanks to my minister friend for her advice!

*Traditional Hail Mary or:

    Hail, Mary, full of grace.  The Lord is with thee.  Blessed art thou among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.  Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sons and daughters of God, now and at the hour of our victory over sin, disease and death. (How to Work with Angels, page 77).


[Updated:  1.4.2020]

PART II: RESOURCES:  Updated 1.5.2020 from April 30, 2015 post:

      If you or a family member are dying or are bereaved, consider checking out a few of the links below for articles, books and websites about the symptoms of different kinds of grief, including anticipatory grief and prolonged grief, and grief resources for adults, children and families.

Excellent Article:

Help Guide: Coping with Grief and Loss, (1.5.2020):

From Hospice Education Institute, 4.30.2015 (now closed):
“Dying involves the gradual adjusting to a whole series of losses and disappointments. Each loss causes grief. Very often the earlier losses are harder to cope with than dying itself.” (Colin Murray Parkes)

 “The loss of a loved person is one of the most intensely painful experiences any human being can suffer.” (John Bowlby)

*One good memory can replace years of bad memories.
*The events around the time of the death will affect the family in their grief and in future life crises.
*The tasks of grieving.
*Grief and the family.
*Grief and children


*Signs and symptoms of grief:  Physical signs and symptoms:  "I'm exhausted!"
*Normal effects of bereavement:  Emotional effects of bereavement:  "Are you sure I'm not going crazy?"
*Social changes:  "Where are all my friends?"
*Effects of bereavement:  "So, where was God in all of this?"
*Weird and unusual grief experiences:  "Is this bizarre, or what?" (Thinking you hear, smell or feel someone; developing his or her mannerisms or behavior.)
*When to get help:  "Do I need help?"  
*Warning signs:  Get help if this describes you!

~From WebMD

*Short list of symptoms of grief and grieving in children under age 7; in children between the ages of 7 and 12; teens and adults.

~For those who have lost a parent, family member or friend during infancy, childhood or youth, I highly recommend Never the Same, Coming to Terms with the Death of a Parent, by Donna Schuurman, Executive Director of the Dougy Center, the National Center for Grieving Children and Families, whose website offers excellent resources for grieving children and families, with Tip Sheetspodcasts (Grieving through Mother's Day), support groups, etc. fir those suffering from the loss of parents, family members or friends.


Original post 5/8/2012
Updated: 10/25/20

Saturday, July 4, 2020

Witness to the Ascension of Rev. E. Gene Vosseler, a True Friend of Freedom

     On this 4th of July, 2020, I would like to witness to the ascension of the late Rev. E. Gene Vosseler, who passed away on December 31, 2017 and who, I believe, as I witnessed, ascended on January 4, 2018, during a service held for him in Bozeman, MT.

     One can only witness to such events and share them when the need arises and for the benefit of those who may not have known Rev. Vosseler, who embraced the path of personal freedom, personal Christhood as taught by the Ascended Masters of the Great White Brotherhood through their Messengers Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet.

     Today, I will share a synopsis of my experience:

      On January 4, 2018, I was sitting in a soda shop style waiting room for parents at a ballet studio, about 1,700 miles away from Bozeman, MT and completely unaware that Gene Vosseler had passed away on New Year's Eve.  
      I was reading an eBook by Elizabeth Clare Prophet, when, seemingly out of nowhere, sparkling white light began to pour down upon me in such brightness and intensity that, at first, I could not figure out what was going on, or what the reason for the outpouring of light was.  I soon realized that someone must be making their ascension right then, and that, for whatever reason, I was blessed to witness it on the inner, and, what was practically in the physical. 

      The pouring down of light lasted for an incredibly long time, even as parents and students came and went during class drop-off time.  I lost track of time while waiting for my daughter's class to end, and when I got back home, I said some prayers in gratitude for the experience and for the soul who had been victorious in their ascension.

      Two months later, I was talking with a friend who was living in Montana, and I asked her if she knew how Gene Vosseler was doing.  She said, "Oh, Gene passed away on New Year's Eve! They had a service for him around 1:00 pm on January 4th in Bozeman,"  thus confirming the ascension of a great soul, known to many as a true defender of freedom, and someone whom I had known personally.  I was not shocked by my experience, once I found out who had passed on, and ever since then, I have included his name ("Ascended Master Gene Vosseler") as I knew him, in my prayers when asking for help for America.

     Today is one of those days when I included (Ascended Master) Rev. E. Gene Vosseler in my prayers on behalf of our great nation in these most difficult times.

      I highly recommend the only book that Gene authored solo, Wind of the Spirit, A Spiritual Freedom Odyssey.

Attribution: The Spirit of '76

Thursday, July 2, 2020

Darshan with an Embodied Guru: A True Treasure

          In previous posts, there has been a lot of mention of the Darshan DVD series from 1996-1997 with the late Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Messenger of the Great White Brotherhoodand embodied Guru. They are now (October 2024) available online: Darshan with the Messenger.

          As noted earlier, these sessions offer a unique experience for chelas and aspiring chelas of the ascended masters, because they are darshans—encounters—with an embodied Guru who is overshadowed by her Guru, the Ascended Master El Morya.  The sessions are unparalleled—there is nothing else like them on the market and they are relatively affordable for individuals and groups. 

          Here is a list of the Darshans for anyone who might be interested in checking them out--they are truly "Treasures of the World."

Available online:
  1. Your Sacred Labor
  2. The Way to the Master
  3. The Evolution of Life
  4. Chelaship
  5. Answering the Master’s Call
  6. Becoming an Accepted Chela
  7. Walking the Path of the Buddha
  8. Overcoming Negative Habits
  9. The Way to the Great White Brotherhood
  10. The Power of Sound
  11. Initiation and the One Initiator
  12. Outpouring Spirit into Matter
  13. The Path that Leads to Adeptship
  14. The Higher Initiations
  15. The Work of the Adepts and Teachings on the Seven Rays
  16. The Guru-Chela Relationship.

Original post 8/7/2019


"Climb the Highest Mountain" a Chapter at a Time...

What would I recommend that people read and become familiar with, in this, the very beginning of the Aquarian Age?

Well, I'd recommend the Climb the Highest Mountain series also known as the Everlasting Gospel. These foundational spiritual teachings for the Aquarian Age began with the writings of Mark L. Prophet and continued with Elizabeth Clare Prophet and are found in 10 volumes, which include that extremely interesting book, The Masters and Their Retreats. That's it. Nothing more. Nothing less.

Now, granted, it would definitely take more than "a month of Sundays" to peruse and digest the teachings in just one of the books--more like a year of Sundays. But, what a great way that would be to start your week, for say, the next 10 years or so!

Here's a list of the available books included in the series:

1. The Path of the Higher Self
2. The Path of Self Transformation
3. The Masters and the Spiritual Path
4. The Path of Brotherhood
5. The Path of the Universal Christ
6. Paths of Light and Darkness
7. The Path to Immortality
8. The Path of Christ or Antichrist
9. The Path to Attainment
10. The Masters and Their Retreats

How much value did Mark Prophet place on these specific teachings? In his own words:

"The concepts are advanced and progressive. They will give you a new lease on life. You’ll want that book by your bedside to read morning, noon and night as long as you live, and I’m not exaggerating.”

So, how would one go about studying these teachings of the Ascended Masters for the New Millennium? Well, I'd recommend just a chapter at a time!

*Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, The Path of the Higher Self, (Summit University Press, Corwin Springs, Montana, 2003), p. xxi.


[Updated: 1.4.2020]

Original post 10/8/2011

Nicholas Roerich Museum NYC Tour: 7 min. Video

Since the art of Nicholas Roerich graces the cover of each of the books in the Climb the Highest Mountain Series, I thought you might enjoy a 7 minute video I just found that takes you on a tour of the Nicholas Roerich Museum in New York City.

A great way to enjoy a cup of tea and meditate on beauty and art on a Sunday morning--or any hour or day of the week!

Original post 1/29/2012

Song of Shambhala, Nicholas Roerich, 1943.

Elizabeth Clare Prophet: Words of Compassion to Those Who Have Aborted

I recently had the opportunity to listen (via Internet connection) to a live presentation by Carol Everett, former abortion provider and founder of the Heidi Group in Texas, which has helped women with unintended pregnancies since 1995.

According to two friends of mine, you could have heard a pin drop when she was sharing her story.

You'll understand why, if you take a minute to listen to her speak or when you read this excellent introduction to Everett from Holly Hansen's Blog, Smart Girl Politics,Who Really Cares About Women?:

In the 1970's and 80's, Everett worked as a director of abortion clinics in the Dallas area and eventually opened her own clinics. As she describes in her book Blood Money: Getting Rich Off A Woman's Right to Choose, Everett made $150,000 a year selling abortions and was on target to make $260,000 in 1983. She also describes her sales methods in the book, including 'family planning' services; prescribing low-dose birth control pills that were sure to fail, thus promising more abortion income for the clinic. As for 'caring for women,' Everett's harrowing description of fatally botched abortions reveals the callousness of an industry devoted to profit.

At the end of her presentation, there was a panel discussion where people could ask her questions--she did a great and honest job answering them and encouraging people to contact their local pro-life groups to see how they might begin to take action in their own communities.

My friends told me that what could not go unnoticed, were the women in the audience who had tears running down their faces--some even sobbing into the arms of their friends and partners. Somehow, Carol's sharing of her own abortion experience and subsequent work as an abortion provider (with all the gruesome details) had deeply touched quite a few women and men in the audience.

What those women and men in the audience needed to know was that, along with teachings about the healing and transmutative power of the violet flame, Elizabeth Clare Prophet has had much to say to those who have been involved with abortion--offering some of the most compassionate teachings I've ever heard:

In Wanting to be Born, The Cry of the Soul, There Is Forgiveness After Abortion, (page 78-80), we read:

Many people deeply regret their choices regarding abortion. God in his infinite mercy forgives and in his justice provides ways to atone. God does not condemn us for our ignorance or our lack of understanding, for, truly, if we knew better, we would do better.

There is mercy and forgiveness and healing after abortion. If you have aborted a child, do not condemn yourself or abide in a sense of unworthiness. This will do nothing for the child, for you or for God. Instead, look for ways to serve and honor life.

Involvement in abortion--whether you had one, encouraged one or performed them, and whether or not you knew it was a sin at the time--will not prevent your returning to the heart of God in the ritual of the ascension in this lifetime if you give yourself to God in a service that can balance that karma.

Depending on your circumstances, you may have the opportunity to give birth to that soul (or to another soul if this option is not available). Adoption of a child may also be an alternative for you.

You may also be able to balance the karma through service to life, through sponsoring children, working with children, praying for the youth and through educating others about the spiritual issues of abortion.

[Originally posted 7/4/2011]
[Update:  1.4.2020]

Kuan Yin, Goddess of Mercy:  Attribution:

When does a soul enter a body?

Ever wonder how or when a soul enters a body? Check out this 6 minute video clip of Elizabeth Clare Prophet giving one of the best (and easy to understand) explanations you'll ever hear!

Original post:  9/27/2011
