It's now been almost 15 years since Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood, passed on and over 8 years since my testimony to her as Guru (see below) was first published. In that amount of time, there have been any number of books, articles and essays written about Mrs. Prophet from a wide variety of people whose lived experiences form the bulk of their narratives, as do mine.
Whether they actually knew her personally in some way; knew someone else who said they knew her, or researched information about her to interweave with their own stories re: recent experiences with some of her followers, their words are out there, for better and for worse, and available for all to read.
Have I read any of the more negative books and articles about Mrs. Prophet and her work in the past twenty years? Yes, I have. I do not know about you, but, I have found that, when some writers resort to ridicule and mockery and cleverly-cute caricaturisations of other human beings and their beliefs, it reveals a lot more about them than those they are attempting to capture and dissect for their audience. How sad is that?
And, so it is, with freedom of speech!
I say, kudos to the students of the Ascended Masters and devotees of the Guru Ma who have already written and continue to write their own accounts about their experiences* with the Messenger and the Ascended Masters and with their teachings and kudos to those devoted souls who understand alchemy and the significance of the colors of the seven rays and who embody the light and love of the Great White Brotherhood and share their spiritual journeys with strangers who come knocking at their door.
Truly, the victory of the Messenger's life and legacy is found in the hearts of her chelas, whoever and wherever they may be. She is known to them and they are known to her!
*(See Recommended Links on side bar.)
Testimony to Guru Ma
Even though we were unfamiliar with each other in the course of our daily lives, the relationship I had with Mrs. Prophet on a spiritual level—on an inner heart level—was, and is, by far, one of the more intimate ones I’ve ever had. While she had many shoes to fill during her life—as wife, mother, friend, author, messenger—it was as spiritual teacher, as Guru Ma, that Elizabeth Clare Prophet entered my life in a most profound way. This deep connection that seemed to span both time and space continued after her retirement in 1999 and has continued to grow stronger since her passing and ascension in the autumn of 2009. This is my testimony to Guru Ma.
In college I majored in theology and religious studies, and later went on to earn a master’s degree in Human and Religious Studies. It was during this time that I began to investigate other religions and spiritual paths, beginning with Autobiography of a Yogi and Self Realization Fellowship lessons, the Bhagavad Gita; the life of Gautama Buddha, etc. I wasn’t quite sure who or what I was looking for, but I knew that I had not yet found it. While I was in graduate school, I met my future husband, John, who had also been raised Catholic. I soon found out that he not only believed in reincarnation like I did, but he had almost every book the Theosophical Society had in print. I had never heard of Theosophy or the Masters of the Far East before but I became more intrigued with every book I borrowed.
We married in 1979 and the following year, John went to graduate school in Chicago to specialize in orthodontics. After graduation, we ended up living back in Ohio where he started his practice and we settled into family life, welcoming two delightful daughters within the next 3 ½ years. During this time, John brought home several books by Elizabeth Clare Prophet and we both read them. We had always wondered what had happened to the Masters mentioned in the Theosophical books, and were delighted to discover that they were continuing to teach and help mankind through their messengers, Mark and Elizabeth Clare Prophet.
In the fall of 1987, John and I decided to attend 1 day of a Summit Lighthouse conference that was being held at the Penta Hotel in New York City. We figured that it was the closest Elizabeth Clare Prophet would get to Ohio, so we flew to NYC, spent that night and most of the next day shopping and sightseeing, and then went to the mid-afternoon presentation before returning home. As it turned out, Tom, a young friend of ours who was living in NYC at the time, was also interested in hearing Mrs. Prophet, so he met us there and I sat between him and John for the next 2 ½ hours.
When we took our seats, Mrs. Prophet was already on the platform talking about some of the ascended masters and their teachings. Behind her was a beautiful altar and to her left was a screen where images of the different masters were shown. Elizabeth Clare Prophet was lovely, radiant and welcoming. To my great relief, she looked quite “normal.” She wore make-up and had a beautiful white outfit on that seemed like a combination of California chic and Bloomingdales. We listened to Mrs. Prophet give a dictation by the ascended master El Morya (the “Morya” and “Master M” of the Theosophical Society), stood in line afterwards to receive a blessing on our foreheads, said goodbye to Tom and then left for the airport. It was the last time we would see Tom—both he and John passed away the following summer. John died at 36 from pancreatic cancer and Tom at 24 from pneumonia. Both deaths hit a lot of people quite hard, leaving many in shock and in that awful “twilight zone” of grief that anyone who has ever lost a loved one understands.
About 9 months prior to his death, John had placed his practice for sale in the hope of relocating someplace out West—Colorado or Montana. After he died, I decided to go forward with our plans and, after several trips back and forth to scope things out, moved to Montana with my daughters. I chose Montana over Colorado for one reason only: Elizabeth Clare Prophet was there and there was a community of people who, like my husband and I, had embraced the teachings of the ascended masters and the spiritual path they offered. Leaving family members behind wasn’t easy, but I knew we’d be returning for a lot of visits and some of them would come out and visit us. It wasn’t so much that we had to get out of Ohio, it was that we had to get where we were supposed to be.
In less than one year, John and I joyfully connected with a spiritual teacher, and sadly disconnected from each other as he left this world in what seemed to be a very untimely death. As Charles Dickens said, "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times...."
I was sitting in the audience, on the aisle, about 8 rows from the front, on the right side of the room. Mrs. Prophet was sitting up on the altar; uplifting mediation music and songs played in the background as people returned to their seats after a break. I looked around and, though quite comfortable in the environment, I was not sure that I wanted to uproot my small family so soon after our loss and move across the country. I was also not quite sure who, exactly, Elizabeth Clare Prophet was.
Earlier, during the break, I had the opportunity to talk with a few other attendees, who, for the most part, referred to Mrs. Prophet as “Mother,” except for one man who kept saying, “The Messenger this; the Messenger that.” Now, I grew up familiar with the term “Mother” as it related to the Mother Superior of a convent. Whenever we visited my great aunt, who was a nun, we’d always have to say, “Hello, Mother,” if her superior came into the room. As a child, I wasn’t keen on calling anyone but my mom “mother” and that’s about how I felt when I heard people at the conference calling Mrs. Prophet “Mother.” And, after listening to the fellow say “the Messenger” a couple more times, I had to ask whom he was talking about. He looked quite astonished and said, “The Messenger! Elizabeth Clare Prophet!” It really did not ring any bells. I thought, “Uh, oh. What is this all about here?”
So, back in my chair, a few minutes before the session began, I started talking to God (in my mind). I thought, “Well, God, this is a nice place, she’s a very lovely woman with a saintly glow around her and the people are really nice and friendly and I love the books. But, I don’t need or want another mother and I can’t relate to the idea of a “messenger.” So, please, please let me know why I’m even here.” As I finished my thought, everything changed. Immediately, an intense yet comforting vibration went straight through my body. The bhajan that had been playing in the background the last few minutes, Manasa Bhajore, sounded as if someone turned it up several decibels. Though I was unfamiliar with the Sanskrit words and their meaning, as soon as I heard the phrase "Guru Ma," there was an enormous sunburst of white light that shot out and emanated from the heart of Mrs. Prophet, right through my heart. It filled my body and everyone and everything in the entire room like a scintillating, radiant orb that went through and beyond the walls, out into the atmosphere. I’d never experienced anything like it, and it lasted as long as the bhajan did.
It was in that instant that I knew I found my spiritual teacher, my guru, Guru Ma, and she entered my life and my heart and soul in a most profound and undeniable way. I decided to move to Montana and stay there as long as she was teaching. While I didn’t know exactly how life with a living, breathing guru would unfold, I knew that I was definitely where I needed to be and where I wanted to be.
Attribution: Elizabeth Clare Prophet, How to Develop Your Heart Chakra,
Attribution: Mountain Peak (c) Galina Andrushko/
Attribution: Tibetan Plateau Scene Overlook Everest (c) Lin Gang/
Attribution: The Everest at Night (c) Chuanwentao/
Attribution: Holy Indian Mountain Arunchala (c) Smejnaya/
Attribution: Mother of the World, by Nicholas Roerich.
Attribution: Mt. Ama Dablam (c) Bayon/
Attribution: Sunrise (Mt. Everest) (c) Ambar Tamang/
Attribution: (Desert Flower) (c) Agawa288/
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