Quote of the Day from Beloved Justina, Pearls of Wisdom, Vol. 43 No. 21.
"...God sends all kinds of lifewaves to earth. The children of God would be wise, then not to continue to condemn or criticize the villains of the past or the villains of the present but to realize that this is one of the subtleties of the fallen ones. For if you can find someone whom you think has greater error or evil than you have, then the fallen ones enable you to keep your attention constantly upon that one, thereby establishing yourself as superior.
Therefore you walk the earth saying, 'So-and-so is wicked. I would never enter into such wickedness.' And by this statement you bind yourself to the eventual confrontation in which you will have to choose precisely between light and darkness in the identical situation, given the identical weight that is upon that individual.
Therefore unwittingly, by your condemnation you sometimes invoke upon your own head a mountain of karma that is held by that individual, and then you must hold the balance until you yourself can pass the test for which you are condemning that individual.
Is it any wonder that those who have the light sometimes fall suddenly from the Path and all others wonder?
Beloved hearts, it is written clearly in the Book of Life, 'Call no man fool.' When you call another a fool, instantly all of the fallen ones who are upon that individual, making him like unto a fool, are now upon you, together with that one's own momentum. And when you have spent many years invoking the violet flame and being on the Path, you are clearly unaccustomed to the sudden influx into your life of so much density."
An illumining teaching that's not limited to criticism and condemnation of just "the bad guys." It is even more profound regarding the criticism and condemnation "of one lightbearer by another," which can have devastating consequences for the maligner, whose heart is hardened:
"Hardness of heart is the crystallization of judgment in the heart chakra, which has shortened the days of their creativity and caused them to pass from the screen of life by the failure of the heart muscle. Beloved ones, when the heart chakra becomes over-filled with hardness of heart, the threefold flame withdraws.
Thus, it is hardness of heart in many cases, not other ailments, that results in the transition from life of individuals who require many more years of service to the cross and to the crown in order to enter in to the halls of God to go no more out."
While that is a sobering thought, the closing teaching on such blocks to one's ascension and the means to dissolve them in order to go forward towards victory is also given:
"Blessed ones, the only condition that will stand between you and your ascension in this life is your failure to transmute your condemnation of any and every part of life. This is the requirement of the Law and of your entering into the grace and mercy of Almighty God this day.
...I have been permitted to give you greater revelation on this teaching in this hour. Take it to heart and see how the assimilation of this teaching will be the opening for the manifestation of Saint Germain's purple fiery heart and will be the dissolving of every last vestige of your own hardness of heart."