"Yes, beloved, the hour of accounting is come unto all. There is no compromise! You must take your stand for life. And if you do not take your stand for life in defense of these souls, then this [failure to act] is tantamount to the agreement with death itself, with abortion itself and with the pro-abortion laws.
Understand this, beloved. This is Armageddon and it is being fought in the womb of every mother and in the mind and heart of every father...." ~Archangel Uriel
This year marks the end of another thirty-three year cycle that began on Holy Thursday, April 16, 1992, when Archangel Uriel, through the Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet, pronounced the descent of the Judgment upon Abortion, the Abortionist and Pro-Abortion Laws. (Interestingly, on Holy Thursday this year, April 17th, the planet Mercury will be at approximately the same degrees in Aries . Probably not a coincidence.)
At the time of the 1992 dictation by Archangel Uriel, over 26 million abortions had been performed in the US since 1973. In 2024, it was estimated that there have been over 65 million abortions in the US since 1973.
There is still time to learn about the teachings of the Ascended Masters on abortion. Consider watching Elizabeth Clare Prophet's lecture series, "Life Begets Life" on YouTube. And, any time is a good time to say violet flame prayers and decrees for those souls who have been aborted and for the dissolving of the records of abortion in America and the world.
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