Friday, July 5, 2024

Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood: Her Legacy of Love, Light and Wisdom for the 21st Century and Beyond

        It's now been almost 15 years since Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood, passed on and over 8 years since my testimony to her as Guru (see below) was first published.  In that amount of time, there have been any number of books, articles and essays written about Mrs. Prophet from a wide variety of people whose lived experiences form the bulk of their narratives, as do mine.  

     Whether they actually knew her personally in some way; knew someone else who said they knew her, or researched information about her to interweave with their own stories re: recent experiences with some of her followers, their words are out there, for better and for worse, and available for all to read. 

      Have I read any of the more negative books and articles about Mrs. Prophet and her work in the past twenty years?  Yes, I have.  I do not know about you, but, I have found that, when some writers resort to ridicule and mockery and cleverly-cute caricaturisations of other human beings and their beliefs, it reveals a lot more about them than those they are attempting to capture and dissect for their audience.  How sad is that?  

    And, so it is, with freedom of speech! 


   I say, kudos to the students of the Ascended Masters and devotees of the Guru Ma who have already written and continue to write their own accounts about their experiences* with the Messenger and the Ascended Masters and with their teachings and kudos to those devoted souls who understand alchemy and the significance of the colors of the seven rays and who embody the light and love of the Great White Brotherhood and share their spiritual journeys with strangers who come knocking at their door.

    Truly, the victory of the Messenger's life and legacy is found in the hearts of her chelas, whoever and wherever they may be. She is known to them and they are known to her!

*(See Recommended Links on side bar.)   




Monday, April 8, 2024

Free! Brochures, Posters and Four eBooks: On The Soul, Reincarnation and Abortion



"...This is the time to lay down one's life for one's country and one's children and especially the children in the womb. Pray about these things, beloved, and think not so much of yourselves but of the agony of souls who must go through this abomination of abortion or who are aborted by the latest pill.

Blessed ones, let us take up the cause of the Great White Brotherhood. Let us not ascend and say, 'My God, why did I not do more!'" 

                       ~El Morya, PoW Vol 46 No. 8 

If you or someone you know is pregnant and deciding whether or not to have an abortion, consider reading any of the free eBooks available at or download the brochures to become more aware of why a soul needs a physical body in order to be in the right place, at the right time and with the right people for its own evolution.  Learn more about the soul, reincarnation and abortion.

Attribution.  Leonardo da Vinci.

Saturday, November 18, 2023

Learn Something New Any Hour of Every Day! Listen to Ascended Master Online Radio Shows.




                Are you interested in learning something new at any minute or hour of the day when it is convenient for you?  Look no further than the 9 years worth of incredible weekly episodes of invaluable information based upon the teachings of the Ascended Masters through their Messengers Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, as offered by the Ascended Master Online Radio Show on Voice America!

             Where to begin?  Consider the 11 part series entitled Enlightenment Master Class .  Each episode is less than 1 hour long and, like all the other shows,  presents interesting spiritual teachings that have a practical application in your and your loved ones' daily lives.

               Episode Description:

Imagine sitting at the feet of the ascended masters in rapt attention as they share their wisdom and understanding of Truth, cosmic law and the real reason for Being. For many, this would be the answer to their heart’s deepest longing and, perhaps, the culmination of a journey through untold lifetimes and countless opportunities to re-enter the consciousness of God. Good news! There is no reason to imagine this, for the opportunity to study with the masters is real and available to you right now....

               Highly recommended!


Sunday, September 17, 2023

Agni Yoga Series: Helena Roerich on Abortion 1933-1934


The ability to discern the real state of things and to see the true colors of people is the basic requirement to enter the Path. ~Helena Roerich

The value of human life in the womb is not, as noted before, a new concept or one embraced only by those of Christian or Orthodox religions.  Before Elizabeth Clare Prophet's teachings on abortion in the late 1900's, were those of Helena Roerich, wife of Nicholas Roerich*, (now the Ascended Master Nicholas Roerich), and the amanuensis for the Master Morya.

Below, are a few teachings on the topic of abortion that can be found in the Agni Yoga Series. Considering that they are just a decade shy of being a century old, if you did not know the date of their publication, you might think you were reading something from a contemporary spiritual or esoteric organization.

Letters of Helena Roerich I

Letters I, 19 June 1933

And now let us turn to the subject of abortion. To deal with this problem now is quite timely. There appear currently the most disgusting articles about it and some of them are written with the approval of the clergy. On this subject I shall quote some paragraphs from the Teaching:

“The spirit is connected with the embryo at the moment of conception. It begins to enter in the beginning of the fourth month when the first nerve and brain channels are being formed. The formation of the vertebral column brings in the next degree of possession of the body. Wonderful is the moment of birth, when the consciousness of the spirit flashes up brightly and then blends with matter. There are even cases when words are pronounced at birth. The final possession of the body takes place at the seventh year of a child’s life.” It is also said, “Even as hunger directs toward food, so the spirit is directed toward incarnation, as only matter can give the new impulses.”

Therefore, it is not hard to imagine how much suffering the spirit that is ready to incarnate endures from the forced interruption of life already begun, or from the averting of an incarnation even planned by karma. What a difficult karma the ignorant and criminal parents prepare for themselves!

Letters 1, 17 April 1934

3. You mentioned a most painful problem of today’s life—the question of the legality of abortion. Of course, there are no two opinions on this subject: abortion is most definitely murder. Therefore, only in cases where the mother’s life is in danger should it take place. But it is wrong to think that a woman who is guilty of abortion always attracts low spirits. The karma of the whole family should be taken into consideration. Often we can notice that in a family where one of the children is worthless the other children are not bad. Karma ties groups of people for long, long thousands of years. And often, even a high spirit has not unimpeachable, irreproachable parents. And it is significant that the dark forces are especially against the reincarnation of highly developed spirits, and they try their best to prevent the reincarnations that are dangerous for them. And, once more, it is not the purgatory of the Subtle World that prevents spirits from reincarnating, but only the crime of the parents. There is not a more powerful purgatory than the earthly life, if all the potentialities of the individuality are intensified. It is said in the Teaching, “As the one who hungers longs for food, even so, the spirit that is ready to incarnate longs for the new incarnation.” Therefore, one can imagine what suffering the spirit undergoes by reason of artificial prevention. The spirit is connected with the embryo at the moment of conception, and gradually enters the body in the fourth month when the nerve and brain channels are being formed. Therefore, abortion is permissible only in exceptional cases.

7. Certainly, I approve of the fight against abortion, but how will you fight this evil? There are no laws which can either preserve or forbid anything. That is why I, personally, think that first of all you must battle by uplifting the level of consciousness of the growing generations, directing it toward the right comprehension of the human cosmic mission in general and that of motherhood in particular. Thoughts should be directed toward creative work and broad problems of the General Good on a cosmic scale. It is important to establish the world’s scale. Again, we return to the same fundamental question: upbringing and education. As the Great Mind expressed it, “The source of all suffering is ignorance,” which is so true; and the history of humanity, with all its dark pages of persecution of the best representatives of knowledge, proves it.

*Nicholas Roerich Museum in New York City, New York Video Tour

Sunday, June 11, 2023

Violet Flame! Violet Flame! Violet Flame!


If I discovered the violet flame and was thinking as an entrepreneur, it would be the equivalent of finding a marketable fountain of youth.

The violet flame is a multifaceted flame. If it were a product, we would be saying: "Get seven for the price of one. Seven unique uses for one purchase price--mercy, forgiveness, freedom, opportunity, alchemy, diplomacy and transmutation." (Messages from Heaven, Page 51).

Now, I know I've already written a lot about the awesome powers of the violet flame in previous blogs, but I truly believe that we can never know too much about the violet flame or invoke its powers too often. Consider some of the key points about this magic elixir, as mentioned in Chapter Six of Messages from Heaven, by Patricia Kirmond, available as paperback or eBook:

~I think that if any aspect of the violet flame is neglected, it is the flame of opportunity.... Many lightbearers pray daily for new, better or different jobs, but they rarely think to invoke the flame of opportunity, which can help open the door to new options.

~At its most powerful, its greatest gift is that it can change atoms and electrons.

~Jesus used the violet flame in many of his miracles.

~If you have an illness, the violet flame can reverse the entire condition, unless the illness is a karmic necessity for your spiritual evolution.

~The violet flame can assist in the speed of recovery and the success of any [medical] procedure.

~Any condition that troubles a person, whether it is political, financial, medical or psychological, will always receive benefit when we send violet flame into its cause and core.

~The violet flame is the foundation for the new age. We will enter this age successfully to the degree that we comprehend and utilize this flame.

~The violet flame is truly the key to penetrating through the mire of what burdens you. is important to remember that you must give violet flame decrees from the heart, with visualization and oneness with the decree, in order for change to occur.

~You must not hesitate to use the violet flame in every room that you enter and in every conversation that you have. You can give a call such as, "In the name of the Presence of God and my own Christ Self, I ask for the violet flame to clear anything between this individual and me that could interfere with my talking with him this day." 
(Pages 52-54.)

Interested? Want to begin right now?

Visit VIOLET FLAME WORLD - LIGHTING THE WAY  for everything you need to know about the Violet Flame in English or in Spanish LLAMA VIOLETA CONMIGO.

Here's one of the best Youtube Videos on the violet flame available with Elizabeth Clare Prophet:

Originally published: 8/6/11  9:24 PM.

Saturday, August 27, 2022

Elizabeth Clare Prophet: Kuthumi's Exposé on False Teachings and False Teachers


    Forty-four years ago, Elizabeth Clare Prophet gave a landmark presentation on The Guru-Chela Relationship with the Ascended Masters.(1)   During the lecture, Mrs. Prophet explained the importance of the Exposé of False Teachers and False Teachings by the Ascended Master Kuthumi and the Brothers of the Golden Robe.  Although over four decades have passed, the information and Mrs. Prophet's comments about the Exposé are still relevant to those who aspire to be chelas of the Ascended Masters:

·        "Everyone who reads it and studies it says, 'This is what we needed to know because it pinpoints what are the lies, what are the things that we have heard preached by the various teachers of East and West that are simply not doctrinally correct. It also exposes many teachers who have come and gone who are not sponsored by the Great White Brotherhood.  And, since the path of the Great White Brotherhood is the highest path, we need to know that the person we are working with has met the requirements of being a chela under the seven chohans….'”                    


          Below is a beautiful rendition of the Ascended Master Kuthumi's musical keynote, Kashmiri Song, by Amy Woodforde-Finden (2):

       (1) The Guru-Chela Relationship with the Ascended Masters, A Lecture by Elizabeth Clare Prophet, July 3, 1978, tape cassette B7876.

       (2) Reference.



Thursday, June 30, 2022

Your Soul's God Identity

If a picture is worth a thousand words, what might be said about the worth of a glyph of Light that would open the eyes of the soul for millions...a single glyph so accurate, that it would recall the soul-the soul that is a million light-years away from her God-Reality-back to the point of the seat-of-the-soul chakra and to the desiring of resolution, to the worship of her God, to the invocation of the I AM THAT I AM?*

Perhaps that it is invaluable.

That glyph of Light, shown in the video, is called The Chart of  Your Divine Self--the I AM Presence. It is one of the most interesting charts I've ever seen.

One of the best (and shortest) explanations of the Chart that I've heard is that given by Elizabeth Clare Prophet (1 min. 50 sec. Youtube).

And, here's one of the best explanations I've read about why the Chart is so significant:

*That wallet-sized card on which the Chart is stamped and which has the description on the back does reawaken souls to their original identity, to the God who is with them and in them. It is the most important single glyph of Light, a photograph of the [soul's] inner being; and its accuracy is such that it does recall the soul–the soul that is a million light-years away from her God-Reality–back to the point of the seat-of-the-soul chakra and to the desiring of resolution, to the worship of her God, to the invocation of the I AM THAT I AM.
There is no greater gift that you can give to anyone than the understanding of his own Mighty I AM Presence, his Holy Christ Self and his evolving soul, as depicted in the lower figure in the Chart surrounded by the violet flame.

(Pearls of Wisdom, Volume 35, No. 41, published by The Summit Lighthouse for Church Universal and Triumphant, Copyright (c)1992 Church Universal and Triumphant.)

Original Post: 9-14-2010.

Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Teaching on the Portrait of El Morya


In doing an end of the year purge of old emails, I came upon a lovely message from a friend from years ago, wherein they shared a teaching which has most likely been long forgotten by many--or never heard in the first place, depending upon one's age.

As El Morya was embodied as Saint Thomas Becket, who was known for his love of "the honor of God," it is with gratitude for the honor of God and the honor of El Morya that I share these words that were shared with me and many others.  The portrait of El Morya referred to is the portrait above and the one to which the Messenger refers in the Darshan DVDs:

El Morya Portrait 

"The Messenger unveiled a new portrait of El Morya, made from the late-nineteenth-century likeness released to Madame H. P. Blavatsky. 

The Messenger said: 'It has been our great desire in working on this painting to bring El Morya into the physical octave and this has been El Morya’s goal. And so, we have taken great care to allow this matrix to be the most physical representation of El Morya that we know of in the form of a picture or photograph of the Master on earth today. Most of the renditions of El Morya and other Masters are somewhat ethereal and somewhat apart from the way he would look if embodied. And since this is a picture of him in the years before his ascension, you can see the highest manifestation of the Master in the flesh and therefore call to him to come to you ‘in the flesh’ through this portrait.'” 

To the best of my recollection, the portrait was unveiled in 1992, if not earlier.

Sunday, April 7, 2019

Babaji, Unascended Master of the Himalayas

     I recently came across an interesting passage on Babaji, the unascended master of the Himalayas in The Masters and Their Retreats, where he encourages his students to use the violet flame and to become more practical as they walk their spiritual path:

      Babaji speaks on behalf of the Brotherhood of the Himalayas, urging his students to take up the path of the violet flame. He also asks us to find the students trapped in the false paths and false teachings of India. Babaji tells his students to not remove themselves into nirvana but to "get over the desire to be the removed one, set apart and in meditation and in unreality when there is a victory to be won and a battle to enter."