Kudos to: the Roman Catholic Archbishop Joseph F.
Naumann of Kansas City, Kansas, who recently filed
a petition against a Satanic organization that had allegedly stolen a
consecrated host and consecrated wine to use during their upcoming planned “black
mass” on March 28th on the Kansas Statehouse grounds in Topeka.
The Archbishop is clearly aware of his responsibility as a servant
of Christ and leader of the church, dedicated to protecting the Eucharist, which
is considered by Catholics to be "the source and summit of the Christian
life." According to the article in The
Catholic Register, Archbishop Naumann notes in his petition, "The
value of Consecrated Hosts and Wine is incalculable because their significance
and importance cannot be measured monetarily."
God bless Archbishop Naumann for taking action in
defense of that which is most sacred and holy within the Catholic church and to
its followers.
No Kudos to: A spiritual organization that has posted over 50 short “educational” videos on YouTube, some of which include hideous (AI
generated?) Satanic images and images of demons, Satanists, witches and their
crafts, sorcery, hexes, mental torture and horror images, etc., etc., from the
depths of the astral plane, which immediately tie unsuspecting viewers “into the
astral realm and thereby into the demons who specialize in keeping alive in the
consciousness of the race the horrors of ‘the pit’—a name for the collective
subconscious of the entire planet.” (The
Path to Immortality, page 346.)
Towards what end? Strip as much light as possible
from the chakras of the unwitting visitors who click on the videos and gift it
to the false hierarchy and demons who are most assuredly there waiting for it
and risk innocent souls being initiated by disembodied members of the false
hierarchy by placing their attention on Satanic and demonic images?*
Where is it taught that mixing darkness with Light is
acceptable if it gets more hits and views on the Internet?
Where is the sense of responsibility to the Christ
within each individual soul who watches such videos?
Who knows? Clearly,
the Archbishop knows—he knows where he stands and when he must take a
stand for the Son of God he serves and he has chosen accordingly.
For Your Consideration:
Watch Elizabeth Clare Prophet’s fascinating lecture on
free will choice and its ramifications found in The Golden Age of Jesus Christ
on Atlantis.
Path to Immortality contains an entire section on Entities and the
astral plane that includes complete teachings for your edification and protection.
*There are those who have been
initiated by disembodied members of the black brotherhood by placing their
attention upon murder Agatha Christie style, on fascination with horror, horror
movies, pornography, and pornographic films. Preoccupation with death and
the mood music of death that has been popularized in this century in so many
disguises, beginning with the blues, evolving into every type of jazz, rock 'n'
roll, and acid rock, ties the individual by the flow of the attention to
members of the false hierarchy, embodied and disembodied. (Pearls of Wisdom, Vol. 19 No. 8—Kuthumi
and the Brothers of the Golden Robe—February 22, 1976)
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